Magical animated adventure based on the best-selling bedtime story book by Klaus Baumgart. Laura (voice of Celine Vogt) is an unhappy seven-year-old girl who dreams of being an astronaut. One night, a five-pointed star the size of a pillow falls out of the sky and is patched up by Laura with Elastoplast. This new friend brings her nursery toys to life and enables her to fly. The star begins to lose its powers, but with the help of Laura and the boy next door, it recovers and is able to return to the dark night sky.Synopsis
Laura’s Star tells the story of seven-year-old Laura who moves to a newtown. She finds it hard to make new friends until she finds a, quite literally, fallen star. It is the start of a great friendship. By the end,Laura learns that love means also having to let go so the star can return to the sky.
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