All 19 episodes from Seasons 1 to 3 of the BBC sitcom that follows the ongoing chaotic adventures of over-the-top tart Lynda La Hughes (Kathy Burke) and perenially lonely gay guy Tom Farrell (James Dreyfus) – who happen to share both a London flat and a yearning lust for whatever luckless man happens to cross their paths. Series one episodes are:
Series 1:
Who’s That Boy?
The Big Break
Legs and Co
Do They Take Sugar?
Saturday Night Diva
I Do, I Do, I Do!
Series 2:
Millennium Special
Teacher’s Pet
Prison Visitor
Dirty Thirty
Glad to be Gay?
Sofa Man
Series 3:
Down and Out
Lollipop Man
Secrets and Flies
Singing in the Drain
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