This comedy-drama follows the trials and travails of Marcelline (Tedeschi), a tense and jittery stage thesp whose personal and professional life threaten to fall into pieces simultaneously. On a personal level, Marcelline hits the midpoint of her life, hears her biological clock ticking, and longs desperately for a child. At work, Marcelline’s inability to find the core of her character, Natalia Petrovna, in a production of Turgenev’s A Month in the Country only causes her emotional tension to double. In time, she regresses into such a basket case that she can barely respond to the stage director’s query about whether she is right or left-handed. Marcelline’s natty and overanxious mother (Marisa Borini, Tedeschi’s mother in real life) weighs heavily on her as well, pressuring her constantly about the need to find an appropriate suitor before time runs out; instead, Marcelline finds herself drawn helplessly to Eric (Louis Garrel) a sexy young actor in the production – who, without her knowledge, nurtures reciprocal affections.
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