Drama set in the exotic country of South Africa. The film tells the story of an unbreakable bond of friendship between a cheetah named Duma and an intrepid young boy named Xan (Alexander Michaletos), who faces the true test of love when he must cross the whole of Southern Africa to return his best friend to his rightful home in the wilds. On his journey, Xan learns that everything always changes, but not love.Synopsis
Xan (Alexander Michaletos) decides to return the cheetah he raised froma cub to the wild instead of allowing pursuers to place it in captivity. Harsh South African landscapes, stalking lions, crocodiles, river rapids and a mysterious drifter (Eamonn Walker) who may intend to turn the big cat in for cash – all will test Xan’s courage and resolve.
Duma Alex Michaeletos 2005 DVD Top-quality Free UK shipping
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