Five episodes from the children’s animation/live action series about the adventures of a group of farm animals. Join Petal the piglet, Gobo the goat, Dash the donkey, and Digger the Labrador pup, as they find all sorts of things to get up to down on Big Barn Farm.Synopsis
Petal the piglet, the embodiment of girl piglet-power Gobo the goat, enthusiastic, inventive and greedy Dash the donkey, thoughtful, kind (and easily the tallest of the gang) and Digger the Labrador pup, not the brightest dog in the litterbut very, very cute. Featuring real working animals on a real working farm, Big Barn Farm follows the day-to-day adventures of these and all the other farmyard animals using a combination of live action and animation that lends the series its distinctive character and humour and taps into a kid’s love of animals in a truly unique way.
Welcome to Big Barn Farm 2008 DVD Top-quality Free UK shipping
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