The Palace – Series 1 DVD contains the first installment of episodes from this witty and intriguing Royal drama, which reveals the dysfunctional truth behind the world’s most famous family. The show begins with Prince Richard IV’s (Rupert Evans) sudden accession to the throne following the unexpected death of his father, King James III. Young, accustomed to a more carefree lifestyle, and a little unconventional (in a Royal sense anyway), King Richard finds himself under immense pressure to quickly deal with his grief, fend off unwanted attention from the Press, battle against jealous siblings, and deal with family members who aren’t confident in his ability to take the Crown. Alongside Evans, The Palace – Series 1 stars Jane Asher (as the widowed Queen Charlotte), Sophie Winkleman (as Princess Elanor, Richard’s envious older sister), Sebastian Armesto (as Prince George) and Nathalie Lunghi (as the younger Princess Isabelle).
The Palace : Complete Series 1 Rupert Evans 2007 DVD Top-quality
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