This 1998 comedy, directed by Max Mayer featured in the Hamptons International Film Festival. It stars Roy Scheider (The French Connection; Jaws; All that Jazz) and Olympia Dukakis (Moonstruck; Mr Holland’s Opus), and includes Edward Herrmann (The Lost Boys). Three headstrong sisters try to make the most of their lives in a supremely dysfunctional family. Maryann (Catherine Corpeny), Elizabeth (Deborah Hedwall), and Gail (Wendy Hoopes) were raised by their eccentric mother Nora (Dukakis) after their father, Tom (Scheider) left home 15 years ago. Now he’s come back to ‘save the family’, with a very strange way of life and even stranger plans….question is can the family survive him, and will Nora’s brother Jack (Herrmann) be able to help ?.
Better Living Olympia Dukakis 1998 DVD Top-quality Free UK shipping
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