All 23 episodes from the second season of the US comedy series revolving around two university physicists, Leonard (Johnny Galecki) and Sheldon (Jim Parsons) and their beautiful, free-spirited neighbour Penny (Kaley Cuoco). Episodes are: ‘The Bad Fish Paradigm’, ‘The Codpiece Topology’, ‘The Barbarian Sublimation’, ‘The Griffin Equivalency’, ‘The Euclid Alternative’, ‘The Cooper-Nowitzki Theorem’, ‘The Panty Pinata Polarization’, ‘The Lizard-Spock Expansion’, ‘The White Asparagus Triangulation’, ‘The Vartabedian Conundrum’, ‘The Bath Item Gift Hypothesis’, ‘The Killer Robot Instability’, ‘The Friendship Algorithm’, ‘The Financial Permeability’, ‘The Maternal Capacitance’, ‘The Cushion Saturation’, ‘The Terminator Decoupling’, ‘The Work Song Nanocluster’, ‘The Dead Hooker Juxtaposition’, ‘The Hofstadter Isotope’, ‘The Vegas Renormalization’, ‘The Classified Materials Turbulence’ and ‘The Monopolar Expedition’.
Johnny Galecki (ROSEANNE) and Jim Parsons (JUDGING AMY) star as two geeky scientists who are accustomed to probing the secrets of the universe, but totally inept when it comes to the greatest mystery of all: women. Their lives are turned upside down with the arrival of Penny (Kaley Cuoco), a beautiful blonde who moves in next door and gets their Bunsen burners all fired up. Plenty of high jinks ensue as the two clueless roommates receive a crash course in the ways of the opposite sex.
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