The complete second series of the Japanese anime, comprising episodes 21-41. With Ichigo (voice of Masakazu Morita) now a Soul Reaper, he and his friends must find a way into the Seireitei, the Soul Reapers’ walled compound, in order to save Rukia (Fumiko Orikasa) from execution. If breaking into the heavily defended base wasn’t enough though, first they have to find a way to get by the giant gatekeeper. The episodes are: ‘Enter! The World of the Shinigami’, ‘The Man Who Hates Shinigami’, ’14 Days Before Rukia’s Execution’, ‘Assemble! The 13 Divisions’, ‘Penetrate the Center With an Enormous Bombshell?’, ‘Formation! The Worst Tag’, ‘Release the Death Blow!’, ‘Orihime Targeted’, ‘Breakthrough! The Shinigami’s Encompassing Net’, ‘Renji’s Confrontation’, ‘The Resolution to Kill’, ‘Stars and the Stray’, ‘Miracle! The Mysterious New Hero’, ‘Tragedy of Dawn’, ‘Aizen Assassinated! The Darkness Which Approaches’, ‘Zaraki Kenpachi Approaches!’, ‘Motive of the Fist’, ‘Desperation! The Broken Zangetsu’, ‘The Immortal Man’, ‘The Shinigami Whom Ganju Met’ and ‘Reunion, Ichigo and Rukia’.
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