In this Disney-animated, coming-of-age story, Kenai (voiced by Joaquin Pheonix) is an impulsive young Native-American boy who is magically transformed into a bear by his brother when their father is killed by a mother bear protecting her cubs. Forced to see the world through a bear’s eyes, Kenai sets out on a quest to find the mountain where the light touches the earth and regain his human form; and learns alot about compassion on his journey.
Disney’s Brother Bear boasts a dramatic story–after he kills a bear, a young hunter named Kenai (voiced by Joaquin Phoenix) in prehistoric North America is turned into a bear himself and hunted by his own brother–but the animated movie’s tone is more earnest and warm than tragic, focusing on the unfolding relationship between Kenai and an orphaned bear cub named Koda (voiced by Jeremy Suarez). However, it’s often the comic supporting characters that prove the most popular, and a pair of moose voiced by Rick Moranis and Doug Thomas will win many fans. The songs by Phil Collins are typically negligible, but the hand-drawn animation is lush (occasional flashes of computer-generated animation clash with the movie’s overall look). Kids will also enjoy the mammoths; but no sabre-toothed tigers, unfortunately
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