Based on a true story. Set during the famous airdrop before the invasion at Normandy, Sgt. Matt Baker and his squad of 101st Airborne paratroopers were scattered over the French countryside. As the story unfolds, the player (Baker) must choose between the success of his mission and the lives of his men – his brothers in arms.
Brothers in Arms will immerse players in the historic eight-day invasion of Normandy – with unparalleled imagery, authenticity, sound and gameplay.
Key Features:
One of a Kind: Brothers in Arms is the only first-person tactical shooter set in WWII.
Real Military Tactics: Intuitive and easy-to-use squad controls appeal to both the hardcore and mainstream gaming audience.
Real Soldiers: Featuring a cast of more than 20 characters, each having a distinctly unique personality, appearance and style.
Revolutionary AI System: Allies and enemies use the standard operating procedures of fire and manoeuvre to flank and kill their foes.
Unprecedented Authenticity: Historically accurate and detailed battlefields, events and equipment recreated from Army Signal Corps photos, Aerial Reconnaissance Imagery and eyewitness accounts.
Video Games
Brothers in Arms: Road To Hill 30 Windows 2000 2005 Top-quality
Availability: Only 1 left in stock
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