Crime caper set in Los Angeles over the course of 24 hours. The story follows a day in the life of two small-time bunco artists who stumble upon a foolproof, and extremely lucrative, scam. The story begins in a casino when Rodrigo (Diego Luna) is caught pulling a swindle on two different cocktail waitresses. The escapade is witnessed by Richard Gaddis (John C. Reilly), an older, more experienced con artist who intervenes. Posing as a policeman he escorts Rodrigo away. Richard explains that he is temporarily in need of a partner and invites the younger man to help him pull a few jobs. Rodrigo is suspicious, but desperate to help his father who is in serious trouble over gambling debts. He agrees to try out a partnership. But deceptions and duplicity mount and Richard and Rodrigo must negotiate a succession of swindlers, thieves and grifters to pull off the biggest caper of their lives.
Criminal John C. Reilly 2005 DVD Top-quality Free UK shipping
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