DEADLIEST CATCH – Long sleepless nights 2005 DVD Top-quality Free UK shipping


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SKU: 5023093061616_Good Category:

It’s the deadliest job on earth, crab fishing off the Alaskan coast, home to the most violent waters in the world. During the five-day ‘season’ a handful of adventures battle Arctic weather, brutal waves and a ticking clock, for the chance of big money i9n this modern day gold rush. Working around the clock, these unique breed of fishermen set out upon an unforgettable fishing odyssey. After a long sleepless night of baiting and setting crab pots, the fisherman anxiously await the captain’s call to begin fishing. What is the opitmal soak time for maximum crab. As soon as the first pots are pulled it becomes eviden that some boars are on the money, while others are pulling blanks. The early losers agonise over stratergy hoping to make up for a lost catch.

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