It’s the deadliest job on earth, crab fishing off the Alaskan coast, home to the most violent waters in the world. During the five-day “season” a handful of adventurers battle Arctic weather, brutal waves and a ticking clock, for the chance of big money in this modern day gold rush. Working around the clods, these unique breed of fishermen set out upon an unforgettable fishing odyssey.
Dead of Winter
It Is the dead of winter in Alaska where the days are a mere 6 hours long. The forecast for crab fishing is cold and dangerous and the Opillo Crab season has just begun.
Man Overboard
The 2005 Spain season didn’t start, it stumbled! One of the boats sank and its crew is still missing. Boats postpone their season as they search the frigid waters of the Bering Sea for survivors.
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