Computer-animated children’s comedy about an arch-criminal who has a change of heart. Trying to outdo his main rival Vector (voice of Jason Segel), serial villain Gru (Steve Carell) hatches a plan to steal the moon, aided by his army of genetically altered corn pops. About to set his dastardly plan in motion, and bristling with his arsenal of freeze-rays and sci-fi gadgetry, all goes according to plan until the arrival at his door of three little orphan girls, Margo (Miranda Cosgrove), Agnes (Elsie Fisher) and Edith (Dana Gaier), in search of a father figure.
Bonus Features:
Disc 1: includes a range of special features, including 3 Mini Minion Movies.
Disc 2: includes includes a Sneak Peek of Despicable Me 2, trailers and an art gallery.
Despicable Me (Includes Sneak Peek of Despicable Me 2) Steve Carell 2013 DVD
Availability: In stock
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