Children’s animated adventure featuring the voice talents of Brendan Fraser, Rob Corddry and William Shatner. On planet Baab, Gary Supernova (voice of Corddry) is head of mission control at the Baabian Aeronautics and Space Administration (BASA), while his younger and more charismatic brother Scorch (Fraser) is the planet’s most famous astronaut. The difference between the brothers is vast, and even Gary’s son Kip (Jonathan Morgan Heit) favours his uncle over his father. However, when a failed rescue mission results in Scorch being held captive on planet Earth at the infamous Area 51 by Agent Shanker (Shatner), it’s left up to Gary to save the day. Can he succeed in saving his brother and change his son’s opinion of him?
Escape From Planet Earth sarah jessica parker 2014 Blu-ray Top-quality
Availability: Only 1 left in stock
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