All 19 episodes from the second season of Matt Groening’s futuristic animated comedy. The show follows 20th-century slacker Philip J. Fry (voice of Billy West) in his adventures as a 31st-century interstellar delivery boy along with cyclopean Captain Leela (Katey Sagal) and Bender the boozy robot (John DiMaggio). The episodes are: ‘I Second That Emotion’, ‘Brannigan, Begin Again’, ‘A Head in the Polls’, ‘Xmas Story’, ‘Why Must I Be a Crustacean in Love?’, ‘The Lesser of Two Evils’, ‘Put Your Head On My Shoulders’, ‘Raging Bender’, ‘A Bicyclops Built for Two’, ‘A Clone of My Own’, ‘How Hermes Requisitioned His Groove Back’, ‘The Deep South’, ‘Bender Gets Made’, ‘Mother’s Day’, ‘The Problem With Popplers’, ‘Anthology of Interest I’, ‘War Is the H-Word’, ‘The Honking’ and ‘The Cryonic Woman’.
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