Animated comedy featuring the voices of Elijah Wood, Robin Williams and Brittany Murphy. Emperor penguins have lived for centuries with one simple goal in life: to find their soulmates through their own unique heart song. Mumble (Elijah Wood), son of Memphis (Hugh Jackman) and Norma Jean (Nicole Kidman), is the worst singer in the world but he is a brilliant tap dancer. Unfortunately in Antarctica his toe-tapping talent is deemed peculiar and poor Mumble is branded an outcast by the Emperor Elders and is even accused of causing the mysterious fish famine which is gripping the penguin community and threatening their way of life. Mumble decides to leave his family and goes on a journey to determine the real cause of the fish famine so he can prove his innocence. All adrift in a lonely hostile world, he meets The Amigos, a wise-cracking comedy crew of Latino Adelie penguins led by Ramon (Williams), who think Mumble’s smooth dance moves are ‘accidentally cool’ and a great way to impress the chicas. The Amigos help him realise the importance of being true to oneself and that being unique is a good thing. Mumble uses courage, determination and, of course, his ‘happy feet’ to discover the truth, save Emperor Land and win the heart of his soulmate, Gloria (Murphy).Synopsis
Among the Emperor Penguins in Antarctica, youre nobody unless you can sing. Unfortunately Mumble is the worst singer in the world. He tap dances instead! In an attempt to redeem himself and win the heart of Gloria,Mumble goes on a journey of self-discovery and finds that his special skills are a blessing in disguise!
Happy Feet George Miller 2006 DVD Top-quality Free UK shipping
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