Lucas, a 13-year-old boy with a big imagination, finds himself stranded on a wondrous island when the airplane he is traveling on gets sucked in to a mysterious vortex. Littered with prehistoric creatures, ghost ships and lost planes he embarks on a journey to find other signs of life. On his voyage he encounters a beautiful young girl called Kate who claims to have arrived on the island in the 1950 s. In a bid to make their way home, the two decide to team up. With danger and adventure around every corner the pair must come face to face with the carnivorous dinosaurs, giant ferocious insects and primeval beasts that roam the land, in their pursuit for survival. As they struggle to find their way off the island, they soon realise they are inhabiting a lost world which time has long forgotten whilst uncovering secrets which will change the future forever.
Journey To Dinosaur Island Darius Williams 2014 DVD Top-quality
Availability: Only 2 left in stock
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