Animated adventure sequel featuring the voice talents of Jack Black, Dustin Hoffman, Jackie Chan, Angelina Jolie, Lucy Liu, Seth Rogen, Gary Oldman and Jean-Claude Van Damme. Now a kung fu master, giant panda Po (Black) spends his days working alongside Master Shifu (Hoffman) and The Furious Five – Monkey (Chan), Crane (Cross), Tigress (Jolie), Viper (Liu), and Mantis (Rogen) – to protect the Valley of Peace. But when the sense of harmony cultivated by the group comes under threat from the evil emperor peacock, Lord Shen (Oldman), who has developed a deadly new weapon with which he plans to conquer China and destroy the ancient art of kung fu, Po and his comrades must set out once again to restore order with flying kicks and martial arts mastery.
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