Children’s animation featuring the girls of DC Comics in their teenage years. At Superhero High, Wonder Woman (voice of Grey DeLisle), Supergirl (Anais Fairweather) and Batgirl (Ashlyn Nicole Selich) are all experiencing problems with their memories and have no recollection of wreaking havoc on the campus. Worried they can’t remember an entire day, the girls set out to use their detective skills and retrace their steps to find out who stole their memories and why. But that’s not all they have to worry about when Bumblebee (Teala Dunn), Katana (Stephanie Sheh) and the rest of their fellow students also start acting strangely…Synopsis
When Supergirl, Wonder Woman, and Batgirl can’t remember their Monday at Super Hero High, they must retrace their steps to uncover who stole their memories and why!
Lego DC Superhero Girl 2019 DVD Top-quality Free UK shipping
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