The first of two theatrically released follow-ups to the epic animated television series. This instalment is comprised of two parts, the first of which, ‘Death’, recounts the events of the TV series in a summary which features new and deleted footage. The second part, ‘Rebirth’, takes the story further, with SEELE commandos launching a massive assault intended to bring the Evangelion project under their own control.From the Back Cover
At the dawn of the new millennium, mankind has awakened a threat unlike any faced before – the Angels. Conventional weapons are useless against them. They can only be stopped by means of the Evangelions – bio-engineered vessels born from the Angels’ own technology. But this forbidden knowledge is also the key to bringing about a startling new genesis for the human race. Placed in the hands of three young pilots, the final fate of humanity resting upon their shoulders, the Evas are the world’s last hope
Welcome to the Apocalypse
From the animators at Production IG (Ghosts In The Shell, Blood: The Last Vampire) and Studio GAINAX (The Wings Of The Honneamise) comes the first half of the sensational TWO-PART conclusion to the Neon Genesis Evangelion saga. Featuring groundbreaking animated action sequences and mind-blowing dramatic revelations, Death & Rebirth is truly a composition of epic proportions!
Neon Genesis Evangelion – Death And Rebirth Megumi Ogata 2002 DVD Top-quality
Availability: Only 1 left in stock
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