In the previous season of this suspenseful series featuring international action star Maggie Q, the charming and deadly Nikita waged a war against Division, the agency that created her. Michael–the man who trained her, a man she trusted–was hunting her. But Nikita had an ace up her sleeve: Alex, a girl she trained to infiltrate this secret unit of the government. At the end of season one, Nikita and Alex’s relationship has been shattered, and Nikita and Michael’s relationship has been restored. In season two, Nikita and Michael are on the run with a hard drive containing the government’s darkest secrets and conspiracies. Together, they are going to right the wrongs that Division has committed over the years, one mission at a time. But leading the hunt for them this time is Alex … and she knows all of Nikita’s tricks.
Special Features
What if? Writing the fate of Division. Series creator Craig Silverstein and other series writers explore the impact of the shows strong female lead characters.
Living the life: Maggie Q – Behind the scenes with the star
Gag reel
Unaired scenes
In the previous season of this suspenseful series featuring international action star Maggie Q, the charming and deadly Nikita waged a war against Division, the agency that created her. Michaelthe man who trained her, a man she trustedwas hunting her. But Nikita had an ace up her sleeve: Alex, a girl she trained to infiltrate this secret unit of the government. At the end of Season One, Nikita and Alex’s relationship has been shattered, and Nikita and Michael’s relationship has been restored. In Season Two, Nikita and Michael are on the run with a hard drive containing the government’s darkest secrets and conspiracies. Together, they are going to right the wrongs that Division has committed over the years, one mission at a time. But leading the hunt for them this time is Alex … and she knows all of Nikita’s tricks!
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