Complete fourth season of the gritty, thought-provoking prison drama. Set in the Emerald City experimental wing of Oswald (Oz) Correctional Facility, the series takes a futuristic look at crime and punishment. In this season, Schillinger (J.K. Simmons) and his skinheaded Aryans exploit a naive pair of new inmates; Ryan (Dean Winters) continues to protect his volatile brother, Cyril (Scott William Winters); McManus (Terry Kinney) locks horns with his ex-wife over prison policy; Alvarez (Kirk Acevado) seeks redemption by training a guide-dog for the guard he blinded; and Keller (Christopher Meloni) returns to the cellblock, to the relief of his bisexual lover, Beecher (Lee Tergesen). Episodes comprise: ‘Visitation’, ‘Laws of Gravity’, ‘Dream a Little Dream of Me’, ‘Next Stop, Valhalla’, ‘Wheel of Fortune’, ‘Variety’, ‘Good Intentions’ and ‘Impotence’.
Oz: Season 5 Kirk Acevedo 2008 DVD Top-quality Free UK shipping
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