Animated adventure sequel featuring the voice talents of Jesse Eisenberg, Anne Hathaway, Jamie Foxx and Andy Garcia. Following their romantic escapades in the first film, Blu (voice of Eisenberg) and Jewel (Hathaway) are now happily married macaws with three children. Adventure lies in wait for the fledgling family when they leave Rio de Janeiro for the wilds of the Amazon to visit relatives. Not only does Jewel’s estranged father Eduardo (Garcia) intimidate Blu – who is already out of his comfort zone so far from the city – but Nigel (Jermaine Clement), his nemesis, returns with his heart set on revenge. To complicate matters further, Blu and Jewel learn that the fragile habitat of the Amazon faces a grave threat. Can the couple save the environment that nourishes the creatures they visit and cope with the many challenges thrown their way?
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