All 13 episodes from the first season of the children’s animation based on the line of toys by Lego. Set in the fictional world of Ninjago, the series follows a group of young ninjas who, under the tutelage of Sensei Wu (voice of Paul Dobson), are Spinjitzu martial artists in training, learning to wield their special Golden Weapons and use their unique elemental powers to protect the land from evil forces. In this instalment, the ninjas find themselves once again battling Lord Garmadon (Mark Oliver) after he returns to Ninjago. The episodes are: ‘Rise of the Snakes’, ‘Home’, ‘Snakebit’, ‘Never Trust a Snake’, ‘Can of Worms’, ‘The Snake King’, ‘Tick Tock’, ‘Once Bitten, Twice Shy’, ‘The Royal Blacksmiths’, ‘The Green Ninja’, ‘All of Nothing’, ‘The Rise of the Great Devourer’ and ‘Day of the Great Devourer’.
Rise Of The Serpentine Torsten Jacobsen 2017 DVD Top-quality Free UK shipping
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