Computer-animated adventure about life in an underwater reef, where a gang of mafia-style sharks led by Don Lino (voiced by Robert De Niro) rule over the neighborhood. Oscar (Will Smith) is a small fish in a big pond, a humble worker in the local ‘whale-wash’ who grabs his chance at glory when a sinking anchor kills Don Lino’s son Frankie (Michael Imperioli). Mistaken as the heroic shark slayer, Oscar is seduced by Lola (Angelina Jolie), although he comes to regret his deception when Don Lino and the family decide it’s time to sort him out. Befriended by Don Lino’s outcast son Lenny (Jack Black), a vegetarian shark, Oscar has to learn if he can truly stand up for himself, and for his friends. Also features the voices of Renee Zellweger, Martin Scorsese and Peter Falk.
Shark Tale DVD and Club Oscar karaoke CD Special Edition 2005 DVD Top-quality
Availability: Only 1 left in stock
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