Peter Parker (Tobey Maguire) is an ordinary guy who lives with his beloved aunt and uncle and quietly pines for the girl next door, Mary Jane (Kirsten Dunst). But when a genetically-modified “super-spider” bites him while on a school trip, Peter develops unusual skills – fantastic acrobatic strength, supernatural awareness and a talent for web-spinning. It’s not until tragedy strikes at home that Peter decides to use his new powers to fight crime under a secret identity: Spider-Man! When the evil Green Goblin (Willem Dafoe) attacks the good people of New York and endangers the life of Mary Jane, Peter commits himself to the ultimate tests: to thwart his arch-enemy and to win the heart of the girl that he loves. Sam Raimi’s colourful and affectionate movie brings Marvel Comics’ superhero vividly to life.
Spider-Man Tobey Maguire Special Edition 2002 DVD Top-quality Free UK shipping
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