Danish animated adventure co-written and directed by Ebsen Toft Jacobsen. 11-year-old Jonathan (voice of Markus Rygaard) and his sister Sophie (Alberte Blichfeldt) are embarking upon their first unaccompanied trip to their grandfather’s house and Jonathan cannot wait to have some adventures. Although warned by their grandfather that they are not to play out in the yard, Sophie gets stuck there when Jonathan refuses to let her in the house. When Jonathan hears screams, he goes out to find that Sophie has disappeared. As he sets off into the depths of the forest in search of his sister, Jonathan discovers that she has not simply disappeared; she has been taken by a giant, 1000-year-old bear…
The Great Bear Ebsen Toft Jacobsen 2011 DVD Top-quality Free UK shipping
Availability: Only 1 left in stock
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