Big-screen outing for popular comedy duo Morecambe and Wise. When caf owner Eric (Eric Morecambe) discovers an international criminal gang, MI5 enlist his help to bring them to justice. Complications ensue, and it is not long before Eric is helping his secret agent chum Ernie (Ernie Wise) protect Russian ballerina Madame Petrovna from assassination.Synopsis
The Intelligence Men [1965] is the big screen debut from popular British comedy duo, Eric and Ernie. The bungling spies attempt to go undercover in an enemy operation, however, as always with this hapless twosome, nothing ever goes as planned. Ernie is a pen pusher for the Secret Services and his friend Eric runs a cafe. When Eric accidentally encounters a summit meeting of an international criminal gang, M.I.5 decide to send the hapless pair undercover with Eric posing as “Major Cavendish”. Riotous antics follow when they are assigned to protect the legendary Russian ballet dancer, Madame Petrovna, from assassins.
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