American version of the acclaimed BBC sitcom created by Ricky Gervais and Stephen Merchant. At the Dunder Mifflin paper company, clueless manager Michael Scott (Steve Carell) considers himself a business genius and an all-round entertainer – unaware that to his workers, he’s an insufferable idiot. In this series, Michael has to arrange the annual staff awards when head office decide to pull out, Pam and Jim share their first date, and Michael’s attempts at team bonding get bogged down on a boat trip. Episodes comprise: ‘The Dundies’, ‘Sexual Harassment’, ‘Office Olympics’, ‘The Fire’, ‘Halloween’, ‘The Fight’, ‘The Client’, ‘Performance Review’, ‘E-mail Surveillance’, ‘Christmas Party’, Booze Cruise’, ‘The Injury’, ‘The Secret’, ‘The Carpet’, ‘Boys and Girls’, ‘Valentine’s Day’, ‘Dwight’s Speech’, ‘Take Your Daughter to Work Day’, ‘Michael’s Birthday’, ‘Drug Testing’, ‘Conflict Resolution’ and ‘Casino Night’.
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