Six episodes from the popular BBC sitcom based around the professionally grumpy Victor Meldrew (Richard Wilson). In ‘The Return of the Speckled Band’, the Meldrew family holiday is fast approaching and something rather slippery is invading their residence. In ‘Dreamland’, Victor is determined to look good when the woman from the coffee advert comes to open the village fete. In ‘The Broken Reflection’, Victor’s brother comes to stay and brings the skull of Great Grampie Meldrew. ‘Warm Champagne’ sees Victor get annoyed when a street lamp comes falling through his window. ‘The Trial’ has old misery guts called up for jury service. And finally, in ‘Things Aren’t Simple Anymore’, the last episode ever filmed, Victor is the only person who turns up at a work reunion.Synopsis
This collection includes many of the best episodes from the sitcom One Foot in the Grave. The BBC show, which ran from 1990-2000, stars Richard Wilson as Victor Meldrew, a cantankerous retired man, who torments his patient wife, Margaret (Annette Crosbie), and neighbours with his constant complaining. This DVD contains the episodes:
“The Return Of The Speckled Band” – The annual Meldrew holiday is fast approaching, but the way to Athens could prove slippery as reptiles invade Meldrew’s suburbia.
“Dreamland” – Victor is determined to look his best for the village fete, where the guest of honour is that woman from the coffee commercial… “The Broken Reflection” – Victor’s brother Alfred comes to stay, bringing Great Grampie Meldrew’s skull with him.
“Warm Champagne” – A sunburnt Victor does not react calmly when a milk tanker knocks the street lamp right through their window.
“The Trial” – Victor is summoned for jury service. How the blazes does he end up as the man on trial?
“Things Aren’t Simple Anymore” – Nothing out of the ordinary in Victor’s last days on earth: their house becomes a sacred shrine, Victor syringes a car mooner’s bum and he’s the only one to turn up at a work reunion.
The Very Best of One Foot in the Grave Richard Wilson 2001 DVD Top-quality
Availability: Only 1 left in stock
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