The Witcher 2 Assassins of Kings Windows XP 2012 Top-quality Free UK shipping


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The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings version 2.0 is an update to The Witcher 2 even bigger than The Witcher: Enhanced Edition was to the original game. Version 2.0 is featuring a completely new Tutorial System perfect for all newcomers, a new difficulty setting calledDark crafted to appeal to hardcore fans, and an entirely new arcade-style game mode called Arena. Aside from this new content, version 2.0 includes all of the previously-released DLC – nine packs in all – as well as more than 100 technical improvements made to date, and an additional 40+ new technical and gameplay enhancements. All this makes The Witcher 2 version 2.0 the most polished and definitive edition of the game since the original release.

After helping to stop the rebellion undertaken by the Order of the Flaming Rose and saving King Foltest’s life, Geralt became one of the central figures of political turmoil in the Kingdom of Temeria. Geralt continues to protect the King in the monarch’s mission to bring peace to his state. The last bastions of the Order yielded to the royal army. The only remaining task is to pacify the rebellious castle of Baroness La Valette, who announced separation from the Kingdom.

It’s been a month since the attempted assassination of the king, when his army arrives at the gates of Baroness La Valette’s fortress in preparation for the final battle. In the meantime, Geralt, stuck with Foltest, cannot begin his personal quest – to discover the origin and identity of the mysterious witcher-like assassin responsible for the attempt on the king’s life – a quest that would answer many questions…





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