Fifth film in Disney’s animated adventure series following Tinker Bell and her friends. Lured by its magic powers, dust-keeper fairy Zarina (voice of Christina Hendricks) steals the Blue Pixie Dust and joins the Skull Rock pirates who make her their captain. Without the dust Tinker Bell (Mae Whitman) and her friends – Silvermist (Lucy Liu), Vidia (Pamela Adlon), Iridessa (Raven-Symon), Rosetta (Megan Hilty) and Fawn (Angela Bartys) – will lose their ability to fly. The fairies embark on a race against time to bring it back to Pixie Hollow but when Zarina switches their unique talents, their journey only becomes more challenging. The film also features the voices of Tom Hiddleston, Anjelica Huston, Grey DeLisle and Matt Lanter.
Tinker Bell and the Pirate Fairy Megan Hilty 2014 Blu-ray Top-quality
Availability: Only 1 left in stock
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