Detective Jack Valentine (Mario Van Peebles) is assigned to protect infamous mobster Tony Denisio, who has done a deal with the Attorney’s Office. Valentine is powerless when Denisio is gunned down by his fellow gangsters, and finds himself equally helpless in the face of the murdered man’s girlfriend, Alma, the only witness to the crime. In time honoured femme fatale fashion, Alma clouds Valentine’s professional judgement and the cop becomes involved in a bloody gang war.
From the Back Cover
Tony Denisio, a memeber of the Massimo crime family has agreed to turn state’s evidence but has refused official protection. Luckless Detective Jack Valentine (Mario van Peebles) has been assigned to protect him and no sooner arrives at his assignment only to see the crime boss blown away in a vicious and merciless mob hit. The only witness to the bloody slaying being Denisio’s stunning girlfriend Alma, who despite the trauma remains cool, calm and emotionless. Sricken by her beauty, Valentine allows his lust for this mysterious woman to cloud his professional judgement, and soon he finds he cannot trust anyone in this cat and mouse thriller which twists and turns in one direction then another, nad he is plunged into a world where black and white disappear and no one is who they claim to be. Jack has always been a loose canon and this time he may have bitten off more than he can chew and he finds himself in a desperate race against time. Not only fighting for the truth but also his life!
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